From September 17 to November 27, 2024, Lebanon was gripped by a devastating war that uprooted lives and left countless in despair. Over 1.5 million people were displaced, many forced to leave their beloved pets behind. Stray animals, once cared for by kindhearted individuals, were left to fend for themselves as their caregivers fled to safer cities.Amid this chaos, our mission to protect and support these innocent souls became more critical than ever. Thanks to the generous donations from Elias & Friends, we were able to provide vital aid during this challenging time.With their support, we managed to sustain three feeding stations in Beirut, distributing over 3,000 kg of dry food to hungry strays. This lifeline ensured that countless dogs and cats received the nourishment they desperately needed to survive.This effort would not have been possible without the compassion and generosity of donors who stood by us during Lebanon’s darkest days. Together, we showed that even in the face of war, kindness can prevail.Let’s continue to make a difference, one life at a time. 🐾❤️ subscribe to our youtube channel to view all the related videos!