it's in your hands to reduce the misery of stray animals.

adopt. don't shop!

paws in need, we are their voices.
get involved

a sentence worth thousand of lives!

take proactive steps to provide hope for pets requiring assistance, ultimately saving precious lives.

be a force of the future

be a force for the future

it's in your hands to reduce the misery of stray animals!
Trap-Neuter-Return/TNR program is a method for attempting to humanely and effectively manage free-roaming domestic pets populations.

0 k+
rescues cared for
0 +
founding years
0 k+
re-homed pets
0 %
goes to the cause

become part of our movement because we believe in you.

we believe in humanity
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because we don't promise, we act!

our projects

just be kind, if you can't help them, don't hurt them.