coconut was reported to us as a small stray kitten, hit by a car, not eating, and not moving much. here are the few photos we received about her. we drove to pick her up and rushed her into emergency. it appeared that coconut was living in an area where so called animal lovers, feeders, and rescuers check on the strays there… coconut was not hit by a car, coconut was diagnosed with parvo and calici virus. a treatment which cost over 1000$. coconut needed a boarding experienced human, who can help her eat through a feeding tube for over a took couple of months between the hospital, the boarding place, and continuous check-ups for coconut to make it… coconut was loved and cared for by an amazing human who couldn’t give her up. coconut was adopted by her boarding human, and look at her today! a beautiful, playful, healthy, amazing cat!thank you for helping us save lives. please donate to help us continue our mission!